




Puppet is one of the top arts and culture of Indonesia which palig stand out among many other cultural works. Culture puppets include acting, singing, music, literary arts, speech, painting, sculpture and art symbol. The development of puppet developing over time which is a light medium, propaganda, education, hiduran, philosophical understanding, as well as entertainment.

There are two opinions about the origin - the origin of puppets. First, puppets originated and was first born in the island of Java, precisely in East Java. This opinion besides embraced and advanced by the researchers and experts of Indonesia and the results of the research scholars western nations. Group of western scholars who are included in this group are Hazeau, Brandes, Kats, Rentse, and Kryut.

According Ir.Sri Mulyono in his book Symbolisme and mysticism in the Puppet (1979), estimate the puppet has existed since Neolithic times, which is about - about 1,500 years BC. His opinion is based on the writings of Robert von Heine Geldern Ph.D., Preshistoric Research In The Netherland Indies (1945) and The Encyclopedia of Indonesia Prof.KAHHidding writing on page 987.

The word "puppet" probably derived from "Wewayangan" which means shadow. This fact is based on the time of Wayang Kulit performances that use color, a piece of cloth as a barrier between the puppet and the puppeteer who plays the audiences of color behind it. The audience can only watch puppet puppet movement through the shadow color. Puppet performances accompanied only by a simple set of gamelan consist of saron, Todung (a type of flute), and kemanak. Another type of gamelan and singer at that time thought to be lacking.

In the kingdom of Majapahit introduced another puppet story that is not orphaned in the Book of the Ramayana and Mahabharata. At that time the Panji stories, the story of the ancestors of the king - the king of Majapahit, was introduced as one form of another puppet. Panji stories are then more widely used for Wayang Beber. Puppet story also forwarded by some of the scholars of Islam at the time of them by the Wali Sanga. They mengkisahkan the king of Majapahit, including Damar Wulan story. The entry of Islam into Indonesia since the 15th century, giving pengarh Puppet big on culture, particularly the religious concept of the philosophy of the puppet itself. In the early 15th century, or rather at the time of the Demak Kerajaraan Puppet performances began using specially shaped oil lamps called Blencong.

At times Kartasura, Wayang stories are not orphaned in the Ramayana and the Mahabharata increasingly distant from the original story. At the time of the public that knows genealogy enthusiasts puppet puppet characters like god figures, which have origin - its that begins with Adam, and continuing to the kingdom of Java. Since the advent of the Kingdom of Javanese wayang story becoming known in any story that is Puppet CTL.
At CTL Puppet is becoming known standard story and the story line.


Puppet-making ways is not easy besides it takes several requirements including someone who must have the soul of art, a high level of patience, diligence, and skill that not everyone can have it. Therefore the price of a pretty fantastic Puppet starts from the price range of hundreds, millions, even billions of dollars to the price.


Materials - materials needed to make a Puppet is as follows:

1 Paper / Cardboard
The paper used for the manufacture of Paper Puppet is Marga. With Paper Marga is what will be used for training hew / carve at an early stage.
2 Skin
Leather is the main material used for the manufacture of Wayang Kulit. The leather used for the manufacture of Wayang Kulit is Goat Leather, Buffalo Leather, Cow Leather or. Among these three skins, buffalo leather is one of the best skin for Puppet-making because this is a buffalo skin leather that has a very good quality or high quality.

Before the skin - the skin is used to manufacture Puppet, first skin - the skin are treated properly so that the skin - the skin has high quality, good and not easily damaged. As for how the processing of leather - the leather is as follows:

a. The skin should be soaked first for 24 hours then the skin is stretched so that the skin becomes wide in accordance with their needs in the Puppet-making.
b. The skin is stretched to be the width of the straight and taut by drying up completely - completely dry.
c. After the skin is dry then start mashing and dibersihan part - part of the skin by hand or by means scraped. The aim is that the skin becomes smooth, which will make it easier for the manufacture of Wayang Kulit in hew, sculpt or carve it.


The tool - a tool used to create Puppet including:

1 Pair
Is a tool that is used as a foundation / base to sculpt, this mix is usually made ​​of wood sapodilla tree, ketos wood, wood trengguli, dried and crushed. The goal is to use as a foundation / base when sculpt / carve the skin in Wayang Kulit making it more easier for the manufacturer.
2 Overwrite
Overlap comes from the Javanese language, which means a burden or encumber or could also mean pressing. The function of the overlap Inia dalah to suppress skin during the manufacturing process Puppet does not shift. Usually the weight of this overlap ranged from 0.5 to 3 kg of which depends on the size of a small or Puppet to be made.
3 Gandhen (Palu)
Gandhen or hammer used as a bat sculpture / carving at the time of manufacture of Wayang Kulit.
4 Nights
Night serves as a lubricant for easy carving gouge revoked on the skin. In addition to night usually also can use the materials of wax or soap.
5. Tatah
Chisel or chisel is used to sculpt or carve leather in the manufacture of Wayang Kulit. There are two types of chisel chisel chisel straight and curved.
6. Ungkal
Serves to sharpen chisel or chisel chisel or chisel when it has begun to be less sharp.

Once the materials and tools - these tools are fulfilled, then start making Puppet stage by stage, by holding a reference that has a high art, kelitian, patience, and of course quality.

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