



Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world, who has over 18,000 islands and 6,000 uninhabited islands. Because Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world, it is automatically Indonesia has a lot of different cultures. One culture was known in the world is the culture of the Asmat. The Asmat are the majority tribe in Papua.

Based on the history of the Asmat people came from Fumeripits (title to their Creator). Narrated asalmulanya as people terdampat seaside dying. Thanks to bantuaan of a group of birds, he can survive and live alone in a new area. To fill the loneliness, so he carved statues - sculptures of wood and build the house long to keep the statue - the statue. Then he made the drums that dibunyikannya every day. One day the statue - the statue he made the move themselves and follow the rhythm of the rhythm of the drums. And miraculously transformed into a wooden sculpture of human life and inhabiting the area. Since it is said that Fumeripits go wandering and build longhouses in any areas he visited and created man - new man now known to the people - the Asmat. That's a brief history of the origin of the Asmat.


Religion Asmat
Asmat tribe calls itself Asmat-ow, which means the real man, or As-Asmat meaning for the human tree - Asmat is a noble thing, because man is a tree, the tree is a human. They strongly believe that ala mini inhabited by spirits - spirits, jin - jin, a creature - spirits that everything was called a devil. In Asmat demon known into two categories:
1. Satan mebahayakan soul, like a pregnant woman who died devil or demon that lives in the banyan tree.2. Satan is not life threatening but like scare - scare and disturb it.
The Asmat are very trusting and meyaiki that humans have at least six persons and animates several different bodies. If someone falls ill means the person left behind by one of the last soul, and the task is to persuade the soul shaman was so soul was willing to back so that the person back sebuh and healthy.
Ceremony The Asmat:
1. Death CeremonyAccording to Asmat death is not a natural thing, the dead man because hit by black magic, except if the person for weapons killed in battle, or devoured by wild animals, falling trees die because of the fallen and others. The death of a baby is considered to be too sad, because the spirit of this child will be returned to nature spirits. However, adult deaths would cause deep sorrow and lamentation accompanied by remarkable. Family members left to scramble immediately hugged the dead and out of the house to topple him in the mud nearby. Deep grief marked by crying every day until many - months and shaved her head.2. Bis CeremonyBis ceremony is one of the important events in the life of the Asmat tribe because it deals with the carving statues of ancestors or bus. The ceremony is held to commemorate the slain family members. Making sculpture bus turned over on the Wow-Ipit and maid - maid. To make a statue of a bus can take between 6-8 weeks. In the process, especially pnegukirannya was done in the house long. Women are not allowed inside the house long before the bus construction finished sculpture. On the bus going past the Statue PAPIS, namely exchange - swapping wives. Selection of a spouse or exchange - do wife swapping ceremony time of war - wars between men and women which takes place every afternoon. Ceremony war - wars it was also meant to ward off spirits - demons. There is now rare intertribal warfare, so the new buses ceremony held in the event of a disaster or major catastrophe. According to the Asmat, the calamity was caused by spirits - the spirits of family members who died have not been delivered to you the last resting place, an island dimuara Sirets river.

3. Boat CeremonyPeople - the Asmat make the boat every 5 years. During the manufacture of the boat, there are some restrictions such as not allowed to make noise - sounds, should not be stepped on a stick that will be used as a boat before being pulled into the water. Previously held a special ceremony led by elders or those who are considered old and very influential in the community. The face of the boat called cicemen measured resembles a bird as a symbol of hunters (decapitating) head. There is also a human-shaped carvings symbolizing the brother who had died. They believe that the deceased would be happy to note, and his spirit will always protect the safety of the passengers of the boat.
4. Kinship SystemKinship in Asmat adheres to the principle of the lineage of the male - female (partrilineal) with a settled pattern around the residence of relatives of husband (virilokal).If the husband dies, the wife still lived with her husband and her family and the responsibility of the husband's family. Wedding planning process (tinis), and how marriage "Persemdan Mbeter". Persem is a marriage that occurs as a result of a secret relationship between a virgin girl, was later recognized by the parents of both parties. Mbeter is elopement that the male - female runaway girl to marry. Mbeter marriage is often a conflict both parties, traditionally the dispute ended only when the fall of casualties from both sides. This marriage is the women who applied. Through marriage, the husband had a katas ha area sago and owned regional laws.Mating system follows the principle of exogamy (outside his tribe).
5. Art SystemAsmat tribe has a culture system that brings value - a high artistic value. Based on the rituals and culture of the Asmat has artistic elements of which are very closely related to the religious life of the Asmat. Objects - objects Asmat art is very interesting is the pole - the pole MBIs and perasai - perasai. Although the link between Asmat community groups, as well as among the Asmat with the outside quite a lot, it does not make contact Asmat diverse cultures.

Statue Asmat

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